The present privacy notice has as a purpose to inform you about the treatment that will be given to your personal data, when these are collected, used, stored and / or transferred to and by Promotora Solmar S.A. de C.V., Playa Grande de Cabo San Lucas S.A. de C.V. and Centro de Promociones Los Cabos San Lucas S.A. de C.V., from now on “SOLMAR” who is Responsible for the treatment of their personal data, with address at Avenida Solmar 1, Centro, Cabo San Lucas, Los Cabos, ZC 23450, Baja California Sur, Mexico and internet portal http://www.solmar.mx/ http://www.solmar.com.
Personal data provided by you so that you can access through your browser and have access to services, links, texts, live images of hotels and information that “SOLMAR” makes available through your web site, will be protected in accordance with the provisions of the Mexican Data Protection Law (LFPDPPP), its Regulations and the Guidelines of the Privacy Notice, published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on January 17, 2013. The data owner may obtain at any time, a copy of the aforementioned laws and provisions at the address of the Responsible through the Personal Data Department or through email protecciondedatos@solmar.com
“Live Chat”
“SOLMAR” makes available the live chat service to guide and advice the user regarding the services that “SOLMAR” grants, the personal data collected to fulfill the purpose described above are name, last name, phone and email.
“Transportation service”
If you require a transportation service, through our shopping carts, the following data will be required in order to manage and make the payment for such service: name, last name, address, email, telephone, type of service required, arrival information (airline, flight number) and departure information (airline, flight number). As well as the following personal data considered as patrimonial: number, security code, expiration date and type of card. It should be noted that your patrimonial data will be stored in a secure management system, which restrict “SOLMAR” to access them, since it will be encrypted.
When you send your email to the newsletter, we will send you by the same means of communication the information related to the services offered by “SOLMAR”.
We will use the following personal data in order to make a reservation and register you as a guest of any of the Resorts operated by “SOLMAR”: name, last name, email, address and telephone number. Likewise, the following data considered as patrimonial will be collected: name on card, card number, expiration date. It should be noted that for security and protection of your patrimonial data an expiration system has been implemented, after this expiration your information will be eliminated, in addition to being stored in a secure management system.
If you make a reservation to “SOLMAR”, we will use your email to send offers and promotions, you are informed that the previous has a secondary purpose.
The data owner will have five days to express their refusal to treat his/her personal data for the secondary purposes indicated. If the data owner does not express his refusal to process his/her data in accordance with the above, it will be understood that he/she has granted his/her consent to “SOLMAR” for the treatment of personal data for secondary purposes. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the owner may, at any time, revoke the consent that has been granted to us following the procedure indicated below.
“Solmar Spa Collection”
“SOLMAR” through the website makes available an extensive menu of experiences and a full range of salon services, provided by Playa Grande Spa, Sea Spa at Land’s End, Sea Spa Cabañas, The Spa by The Ocean y/o Solmar Spa Cabañas, so if you need to reserve, buy and pay for any of the items and / or services offered online, you will be required to provide the following personal information: name, last name, email, address and telephone numbers. As well as the following personal data considered as patrimonial: number, expiration date, security code and type of card. It should be noted that your patrimonial data will be stored in a secure management system, which restrict “SOLMAR” to access them, since at the moment of entering the system will be encrypted.
Your personal data is used for the following purposes:
− Make an appointment at one of the Solmar Spa Collection.
− Apply the charge for the services you acquire through our portal.
− Cancel your appointment.
− Apply payment for cancellation fee concept, when your cancellation of appointment is not 24 hours in advance.
− Re-schedule your appointment, charging a change fee if applicable.
“Meetings and Events”
If you wish to request information, choose a wedding package, make and manage a reservation to carry out at the Solmar Hotels & Resorts a ceremony and / or wedding event, the following personal information will be required to manage your wedding request: name, last name, address, telephone numbers and email. As well as the following personal data considered as patrimonial: number, expiration date, security code and type of card. It should be noted that your patrimonial data is stored in a secure management system, which restrict “SOLMAR” to access them way, since it will be encrypted.
“SOLMAR” informs you that in addition to the personal data mentioned above, to comply with the legal provisions in Mexico, we collect the following documents to support you in making the civil wedding: copy of birth certificate, passport, driver’s license and record of divorce (if applicable).
If you decide to make a reservation at the restaurants La Roca Restaurant, Romeo & Julieta Ristorante, Picaro, The Wine Bar and/or Anica “SOLMAR” consumer centers, you will be referred to our electronic reservation system adopted exclusively by OpenTable, Inc., said system interacts with the “OpenTable” website, so OpenTable, Inc., its subsidiaries or affiliates, will share your personal data with “SOLMAR”, to manage your reservation.
“Pre Check-In”
Through the “SOLMAR” internet portal, we offer you the option of performing Pre Check-In at the group’s hotels to speed up your arrival, optimize the operational management of our teams and reduce your waiting time at the Reception. “SOLMAR” will require the information of your stay reservation: reservation number, arrival date and departure date. If you decide, your flight number, flight time, number of people, airport, and airline. Additionally, the following personal data will be required: name, surname, email, telephone number and address. For statistical purposes the following demographic data will be required: date of birth, gender, country, state, city, and zip code.
If you register companions for your reservation, “SOLMAR” will process the following personal data: name and surname. For statistical purposes the following demographic data will be required: date of birth and gender.
“Third Holders”
In case your data has been transferred to us by a third party, you are informed that your personal data will be protected in accordance with the provisions of the second paragraph of this privacy notice.
The personal data that “SOLMAR” collects will be used for the following purposes that are necessary for “SOLMAR” to be able to provide the services required by a third party:
- When you are designated as a guest to receive a service at Solmar Spa Collection, “SOLMAR”will treat your name and surname.
- In the event that you are designated as a witness at a wedding ceremony, “SOLMAR”will obtain a copy of an official identification, to comply with the legal provisions in Mexico.
* * *
“SOLMAR” is part of a Business Group, your personal data will be shared with other companies of the same Business Group, all the group companies have the same protocols for data privacy purpose.
“SOLMAR” collects and / or uses and / or stores and / or transmits your personal data, to the extent that the LFPDPPP and its regulations permit and always to comply with the obligations arising from the contract with the owner of the data; “SOLMAR” may make uses of your personal data for other purposes, provided that such purposes are compatible and can be considered analogous to the purposes described in the respective section or when it has been authorized or expressly requested by you.
In addition to the procedure that “SOLMAR” has implemented to limit the use and disclosure of your personal data, we inform you of the following alternatives in case the owner of the data wishes to limit the use and disclosure of your personal data for advertising purposes and promotions that “SOLMAR” could make in their marketing practices:
a) The Federal Consumer Attorney’s Office (PROFECO) has a Public Registry to Avoid Advertising (REPEP), which works as a means to limit the use and disclosure of your data used for marketing and / or commercial prospection purposes. If you want to use this tool, you must call 96 28 00 00 by calling from the Mexico City, Guadalajara, or Monterrey or 800 962 8000 from the rest of the Mexican Republic to register or cancel the telephone number to the one who receives the unwanted publicity.
(Access, Rectification, Cancelation and Opposition to the Treatment of your Personal Data)
We inform you that you have the right to Access your personal data so you can know which one we maintain and the treatment that it is being given; right to Rectification to ask for the correction of your personal information in case it has gotten old, is inexact or incomplete; Cancelation so your information will be erased from our record or data base when you consider that it is being used inadequately; as well as the right to Opposition to the use of your data for specific reasons.
To exercise any of the ARCO rights and/or express its refusal to process your personal data for secondary purposes and/or revoke your consent to the processing of your personal data and / or limit the use or disclosure of your personal data, you can follow the following mechanisms and procedures:
Submit the respective application to the Personal Data Department of “SOLMAR” located at Avenida Solmar 1, Centro, Cabo San Lucas, Los Cabos, ZC 23450, Baja California Sur, Mexico.
Regarding the procedure and requirements of your requests, we inform you the following:
a)The data owner must identify oneself through a valid official ID with a picture included, in case of a proxy; he or she must identify oneself through a valid official ID with picture included and a proxy signed by the data owner and two witness. This information will not be collected by “SOLMAR”it will only be collated by the Personal Data Department.
b)The data owner could practice his or her ARCO rights is by means of a handwritten and signed document addressed to Promotora Solmar, S.A. de C.V. and/or Playa Grande de Cabo San Lucas S.A. de C.V. and/or Centro de Promociones Los Cabos San Lucas
S.A. de C.V. This document must contain the owner’s complete name, address, and email to receive an answer. It must also contain the description of the rights it pretends to execute.
The data owner also could exercise ARCO rights using the formats that “SOLMAR” has for said effect and can be provided directly by the Personal Data at the address located at Avenida Solmar 1, Centro, Cabo San Lucas, Los Cabos, ZC 23450, Baja California Sur, Mexico.
c)In a period of no more than twenty working days, starting to count from the day we receive your access, rectification, cancelation or opposition request, we will determine a resolution and let you know it, to the effect of making it effective in case it is sustained, in the following fifteen working days. In the case of personal data access requests, the delivery will proceed after the accreditation of the requestor or legal representative identity, as appropriate. The periods of time previously stated can be expanded only once for an equal amount of time and when justification for it exists.
d)The resolution will be given through an email sent to the email address given in the request, at the data Responsible physical address at the end of the first 20 working day period for the determination and after the 15 working day period it will be able to become effective, this is, to aloud the access, rectification, cancelation or resolve the opposition of the personal data treatment.
e)The information will be delivered printed or digitally, depending on the way requested by the data owner.
You can revoke your consent for the treatment of your personal data, in case you have given it or restrict its use and disclosure. For such effect, the same procedure as the one established to exercise ARCO rights must be followed. None the less, please consider that we will not be able to attend to your request or resolve the treatment of the data in an immediate way in all cases, since it is possible we are bound by a legal cause to keep on making use of your personal data. As well, you must consider that for some purposes, the revocation of your consent will make the services relation impossible.
In order to revoke your given consent or restrict its use or disclosure, you must address the Personal Data Department, where you will be required to identify yourself through a valid official ID with picture included, and file a document with the same characteristics as the ones listed in point b) of the present notice, indicating in it your desire to Revoke and/or restrict the use and disclosure of your personal information.
The exercise of the ARCO rights and/or revocation request and/or request to restrict the use and disclosure of your data, will NOT be able to be processed through the beforehand mentioned email, since the Personal Data Department must be sure of the data owners identity; none the less, you can obtain information related to the present privacy notice, the personal data protection project, monitoring of the ARCO request and revocation or restriction of the use and disclosure of your personal data.
To obtain information about the requirements for Revoking consent or restricting the use or disclosure of your personal data, or for obtaining information about the procedure or exercise of your ARCO rights, please approach any of the following media:
− Email: protecciondedatos@solmar.com
− At the address located at Avenida Solmar 1, Centro, Cabo San Lucas, Los Cabos, ZC 23450, Baja California Sur, Mexico.
“SOLMAR” informs you that on our website we use technologies such as cookies. A cookie is a small text file that is stored in your browser when you visit our website. Its purpose is to remember your visit when you return to browse the website http://www.solmar.mx/http://www.solmar.com and in order to keep your session open.
The personal data we collect through these technologies is used to optimize your visit on our website and the information collected by them will be used to provide a better service and experience when browsing our website
You can choose to browse our website without accepting the use of cookies, since the “SOLMAR” systems do not depend on them, but by blocking the use of cookies you can prevent the website from operating optimally in your browse
You can allow, block or eliminate the cookies installed on your computer by configuring the options of your browser. We provide you with the following links that are found on the internet, which are not the responsibility of “SOLMAR” but can help you deactivate and customize cookies in your browser preferably:
This privacy notice may suffer modifications, changes or updates derived from new legal requirements; of new projects or our privacy practices.
In case of changes or modifications to the privacy notice, we are committed to keeping you informed of these changes, the updated version will be made available through the Personal Data Department of “SOLMAR”, at the Reception of our Resorts and at our Internet pages http://www.solmar.mx/ and http://www.solmar.com.
We inform you that you can go at any time to the Federal Institute of Access to Information and Data Protection (INAI) if you consider that your right to data protection has been violated. “SOLMAR” has implemented security and privacy policies for their personal data in accordance with the obligations contained in the Mexican Data Protection Law (LFPDPPP).